Control your campaings in one platform

Easily monitor campaigns and know where your sales come from. Compare the performance of marketing channels, make assertive decisions, and increase your ROI.

14 day trial · no credit card

pessoas analisando e convertendo dados

Integrated with top advertisers


Know where sales and leads come from and track all your campaign metrics: from clicks to leads, checkouts, purchases, costs, and profits.


Take advantage of the power of machine learning. Find out which offers and pages perform best and optimize your conversions even more.


Replace hours of analysis on multiple tools for a single platform to quickly compare the performance across different channels.


Monitor ROI in real-time and other marketing metrics. Find out what brings profits and decide with confidence where to invest your money.

Powerful tools to monitor
the performance of your campaigns

Guru provides one of the most accurate, advanced conversion tracking and analytics platform. Through our tools, your marketing team can understand which channels generate more value and decide where to invest time and money.

Easy to use

Conversion tracking tool based on HTTPS redirects. Easy to use, without script installation.

Tracking links with...

 Custom Domain
 Friendly URL


Tracking method adjusted to your sales funnel with measurement points for each conversion event.

Conversion tracking links for…

 Lead Generation Pages
 Lead Capture Forms
 Sales Pages
 Checkout Pages

360º view

Consolidated metrics and different levels of data for a 360º analysis of your marketing campaigns.

View results by...

 Traffic Source
 UTM Parameters
 Data Grouping

Real-time Metrics

Monitoring ROI and other campaign metrics in real-time. Accounting for clicks and conversions. Statistics per day or selected period.

Automatic cost update

Integration with ad platforms for automatic cost updates. Plus an interface for manual cost update for unsupported traffic sources.

Collaboration and Sharing

Access for team members and data sharing with employees, partners, and customers securely through manageable user-profiles and roles.

Track, Optimize, and Analyze
your conversions in one place


Find out when and where your lead becomes a paying customer

Have an in-depth view of your lead generation strategy: from the first touch to the purchase decision. Track all lead interactions and gain insights about the best time to motivate a purchase.


Find out which campaigns produce the best ROI

Monitor the performance of your campaigns in real-time, from the click on each traffic source to the purchase. Know exactly where your orders come from and understand which ads and marketing channels are most profitable.


Maximize Your Results with Machine Learning

Take advantage of the power of Machine Learning to maximize your sales conversions. With the Neural A/B Test, the tiring task to compare performance between pages is up to Guru that learns and automatically sends traffic to the variation that performs best.

Maximize conversions since the start of the tests
Set a percentage of traffic to keep on learning
Run your AB tests permanently
Add or remove variants at any time

Our platform runs your AB tests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and automatically reacts to the performance changes. So, you have more time to focus on what is most important to your business.

varias telas ligadas a um chip convertendo em símbolos de pessoas

Automate the comparison of page variations

Optimize traffic for the variant that is getting better results with…

Leads A/B Test to compare lead generation pages.

Sales A/B Test to compare sales pages.

Checkout A/B Test to compare the performance across different checkouts.

Combined A / B test to compare a complete flow from lead capture to sales page and checkout. Run a sequence of tests, splitting traffic at each step of the sales funnel.

funil de vendas teste english

Find out what brings results to your business.
Scale campaigns with complete confidence.

14 day trial


What is a campaign tracking?

A campaign tracking system serves to monitor the conversion of campaigns and verify the origin of sales and leads in an automated way.

How does Guru's Campaign Tracking system work?

Our tracking system consists of distributing Guru’s tracked links to traffic sources and connecting your ad accounts on the platform. From this, the Guru makes the correlation between the sales made, the costs of the campaigns and the conversions in the traffic sources.

Script: Do I need to install one on my page?

No, just distribute the tracking links in your campaigns on traffic sources, sales pages and lead capture or email marketing.

Can I use trackings and A/B testing at the same time?

No, actually A/B testing replaces tracking. Therefore, you only need to use one of them for each campaign.

Can I use tracking with external checkout?

Yes, you can track sales and capture leads with the external checkout, as long as it is compatible with Guru.

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